NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme
Special Call for Proposals on Security-related Advanced Technologies


SPS Multi-Year Project


Texas A&M University, College of Engineering

Texas A&M University, founded in 1876, is a public, comprehensive university. It is one of the few institutions holding triple federal designations as a land-, sea- and space-grant university in the United States. The University’s College of Engineering is one of the largest engineering schools in the country. Its researchers have established pre-eminence in the research areas of autonomy and robotics; energy systems and services; education and training; health care; information systems and sensors; materials and manufacturing; national security and safety; and infrastructure. Underlying technologies that propelled the college to the forefront of the above research areas include mathematical modelling and simulation, optimization, mechanics, sensors, structures, robotics, autonomous vehicles, communications and networks, process engineering, materials, and computational sciences.

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy

The Textile Engineering Department of the University of Belgrade has a long tradition of offering prominent multiplicity of scientific, technical and specific educational activities. Its studies on textile fibers include the analysis of fiber structure and structure-properties relationship. Modification of the fiber structure and surface for the application in composite materials, ion exchange systems and biologically active materials are also examined. Recent research is mainly focused on the application of advanced methods for modification of textile materials based on natural and synthetic fibers in order to enhance their functionality. RF low-temperature plasma and corona treatments, enzymatic and biopolymer chitosan treatments are used as potentially environmentally friendly methods for imparting specific functional properties to textile materials necessary for design and production of high added value textile products.

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy

The Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Skopje is a leading and eminent higher education institution in North Macedonia. Founded in 1959, the Faculty has remarkably contributed to the development of the Macedonian economy, primarily through the education of highly qualified engineers and staff, following all modern market trends and scientific developments. Within the Faculty, the Textile Department, with its 50 years tradition in education, research and industrial collaboration, is one of the most prominent and recognized educational institution among the textile industry in North Macedonia. The textile department is divided into textile chemistry, mechanical textile technology and garment production. Today, the main mission of the Faculty is to ensure the continuous development of its appropriate human resources by offering recognized and high-quality studies and research programs. It will allow the faculty to keep its high reputation in the field, and to maintain and build relationships with similar scientific institutions and companies worldwide.