NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme
Special Call for Proposals on Security-related Advanced Technologies


SPS Multi-Year Project


The MULProTex project aims to develop multi-protective military clothing for fire, micro-organisms organophos – phorus-containing nerve agents, and UV-light protection through the application of non-toxic and renewable multi – layer nanocoatings and indicating dyes using layer-by-layer assembly deposition. The multi-functionality of military clothing has always been a major research topic amongst military, academic and industrial textile specialists. Most clothing today combines one or two properties achieved by traditional non-energy efficient finishing processes that produce uncomfortable textiles containing chemicals that are toxic for humans. The consequent need to find low cost, non-toxic and simply applicable textile treatment that can provide multifunctional properties is heightened due to increasingly rigorous environmental protection rules. This project will use water-based multilayer nanocoatings composed of non-toxic, eco-friendly, and renewable poly – electrolytes together with low molecular weight additives, nanoparticles, and nerve agent indicating dyes. This layer-by-layer assembly is a simple, inexpensive, environmentally-benign and highly tailorable water-based technique, performed by alternate exposure of a substrate to oppositely-charged polyelectrolyte solutions or suspensions at room temperature, giving rise to a multilayer thin nano-film. It is one of the most promising techniques for textile finishing that could be easily employed using traditional pad-dry processing widely used in the industry. It also allows the design of an unlimited combination of assemblies with impressive multi-functionality. Thin nanocoatings created with this technique arep romising for applications requiring comfort and the desired mechanical properties of the textile substrates.